This summer has gone by so fast!! Here is a recap of all of the different activities we have done in the last little bit. Aaron turned 30 this year, and we celebrated his b-day with a big surprise!!! He always says that he is not turning 30, just 29 (but if you do the math...). So we celebrated his 29th birthday on the last day of his 29th year (does this make sense?) He also had a midlife crisis (hopefully this is not his true midlife or else turning 60 will not be a fun year for him:)), because we bought a boat. I could say that I was infuriated and that I could not believe how insane he is b/c of where we live etc. But to tell you the truth, I LOVE it!!! And the best part about it is that we can have picnics on it:) I also turned another year older. It sure is crazy how time just disappears. I finished with the students in the middle of July and now I am on summer vaca until Sept. My high school reunion was so much fun. I loved seeing old friends again and to get reacquainted. We have been to drive-in movies (you can tell that you are getting older when you actually go to the drive-in to WATCH the movies:)), water parks, and I was able to get myself a bike this year. Kaden rides his bike, and Katelynn is on the back of mine. Every time I start to really pedal, she says, "Slow down mommy," even up hills. Kaden has taken 6 weeks of swim lessons this year. He is a different kid, I swear. He, who was once afraid of water on his face, now has no fear. He will put is face in a body of water even if it is only a couple of inches!! We were on the water last weekend with the boat and Kaden stated, "I am going to get that booty." Looking at Aaron, and thinking- What are you teaching our son- He kept saying it and I finally went to him and said, "Where's the booty" He proceeded to point to the buoy... Crazy Kid!!

Aaron's b-day cake

Which way are the sprays going? Look closely. That is why it was only $9.99

I guess my kids can be cute at times:)

Where Waldo, I mean Where's Kaden?

Our maiden voyage:)

Kaden and Aunt Gena

Katelynn has no fear she went by herself